Character and Citizenship Education
CCE Vision: People of Good Character and Responsible Citizens
Every Dunearnite to be grounded in core values, as demonstrated through their attitude, behaviour and competencies, thus achieving the Desired Outcomes of Education in the 21st Century.
Removing all barriers to learning,
Building strong character and citizenship, and
Providing clear education and career guidance.
CCE Student Level Outcomes
Every Dunearnite a Community Youth Leader who is Confident, Concerned,
Contributing Actively and Self-Directed.
Sec 1 |
Sec 2 |
Sec 3 |
Sec 4 & 5 |
Confident people who show awareness of self, family and environment through personal leadership |
Concerned citizens who show appreciation of family, school and community through team leadership |
Active contributors who demonstrate action in the community and nation through community leadership |
Self-directed learners who demonstrate actualization in the nation and the world through global leadership |
CCE Framework

The Dunearn CCE Framework is a structure providing us clear directions and alignment on why we do what we do and how we do it. In Dunearn, students are the heart of what we do. We want to help every Dunearnite to be anchored in core values (Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care and Harmony), demonstrated through their Attitude, Behaviour and Competencies, so as to achieve the desired outcomes of education in the 21st Century i.e., A Self-directed Learner, Confident Person, Concerned Citizen and Active Contributor.
The 3 colours in the middle triangle – Blue, Red and Gold – are linked
to the Dunearn school crest.
1) Blue represents discipline and steadfastness in character, so we want
every Dunearnite to be grounded in core values
2) Red represents pupils’ passion and enthusiasm for learning, so this
would be demonstrated in their attitude and behaviour
3) Gold represents the ultimate target of our endeavours, which is the
DOE in the 21st C.
Hence, while we look forward, we are also grounded in core values and not forgetting our roots and tradition.
One key CCE Pedogogical approach that we use to facilitate students’ character and citizenship development and reflection is the Experiential Learning Approach, based on Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model. Students will reflect on their experience, learn from it, and apply the lessons in everyday life.
We achieve our goals by removing all barriers to learning, building strong character and citizenship, and provide clear guidance in education and career.
Undergirding all our actions are our core beliefs.
Our Calling: Belief in Oneself - Every Teacher a CCE Teacher; to Lead,
Care and Inspire. Our Future: Belief in Being Part of Something Larger
- Student and National Outcomes; Shaping Success of Singapore.
Our Culture: Belief in One's Students. Belief in One Another - Culture
of Care.
Last but not least, the triangular support structure represents the close partnership we want to establish with the key stakeholders - the parents and community - to ensure the well-being of every child in this school, thereby having a Student-centric, Values-Driven education.
The figures below show how we design our CCE programmes and processes to achieve the level outcomes.

CCE Committee
Name |
Designation |
Mr Nazrul Hadi Bin Jamali |
HOD CCE (Internal) |
Mrs Hazel Lee |
HOD Educational Support |
Mr Tang Chee Kuan |
Year Head (Lower Sec) |
Mr Png Keat Siong |
School Counsellor |
Mdm Lim Sai Joo |
SEN Officer |
Ms Rashedah Khan |
Student Welfare Officer |
Mdm Norlizah |
Administration Manager |
Mdm Lailtha |
Senior Teacher |
Mr Siraj |
SH Special Projects |
Ms Hanani |
Teacher |
Ms Siti Arnie |
Teacher |
Ms Li Yanmei |
Teacher |
Ms Anna Tay An Na |
Teacher |
Mr Wayne Tan |
SH English |
Mr Ow Gan Pin |
Teacher |
Mrs Hee Lim Gee Kheng |
Teacher |
Ms Esther Zheng Jiahui |
Teacher |
ECG Committee
Name |
Designation |
Mrs Hazel Lee |
HOD Educational Support |
Ms Ng Mei Ferng |
Teacher |
Ms Nur Diana Jailani |
Teacher |
Ms Pang Jia Shin |
Teacher |
Mr Muhammad Amin Morni |
ECG Counsellor |
Key Programmes and Processes
S/N |
Key Result Area |
Key Programmes and Processes |
Alignment to Mission |
1 |
Intervention and Partnership |
Removing all barriers to learning |
2 |
Curriculum |
Building strong character and citizenship |
3 |
National Education (NE) |
4 |
Values in Action (VIA) [led by Student Leadership committee] |
5 |
Education and Career Guidance (ECG)
[led by ECG committee] |
Providing clear education and career guidance |
Character Education
CCE lessons are taught by Form Teachers, including Sexuality Education (SEd), Mental Health (MH), Education & Career Guidance (ECG), Cyber Wellness (CW), Family Education (FE), and National Education (NE).
CCE has also been infused into classroom lessons across a variety of subjects. Measures are also undertaken to provide greater support for teachers, such as the expansion of the range of CCE resources available and the provision of training on pedagogical approaches and classroom strategies regarding the teaching and learning of values.
Values in Action (VIA) Programme is designed to be differentiated with the Sec 1 students doing activities related to school/external environment; Sec 2, appreciating the elderly; Sec 3, serving needy families; Sec 4/5, role-modeling service in the community (student-initiated). Some of the partners the school has worked with include SWCDC, Bukit Batok Home for the Aged, REACH Youth Powerhouse etc.
To strengthen positive relationships and self-discipline, CCE committee works closely with the Student Development Team and Student Management committee. The Pupil-Teacher Relational Time (PTRT) is one of the strategies the school has adopted to strengthen positive teacher-student relationships. It is a structured programme where both the pupils and their Form teachers could meet on a one-on-one basis to talk and discuss issues. Through the conversations, teachers will be able to better understand their pupils and their challenges and hence, providing timely intervention. Concurrent with the PTRT, the school has structured Form Teacher Time (FTT) where Form Teachers spend quality time with the class to enhance their learning, check-in on their well-being, foster bonding etc.
Citizenship Education
Developing a strong national identity among students has always been the focus of our National Education (NE) Programmes. The school’s NE framework is implemented through the infusion of NE into the curriculum and the commemoration of major events like Total Defence Day, Racial Harmony Day, International Friendship Day and National Day. Below are some examples of ongoing programs and events that were organised:
NE Core Events
Cohort Citizenship Programmes
Publicity of students’ work (via noticeboard, website)
Compulsory NE Quiz for the graduating classes (4E and 4N)
Biennial Citizenship Survey for selected Sec 2 and Sec 4 students
Other activities by departments/CCAs e.g., MT Cultural camp, Maths Trail, ALP, Environmental activities, CCA VIA etc.
Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model
The main school-wide CCE pedogogical approach used to facilitate students’ character and citizenship development and reflection is the Experiential Learning Approach, based on Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model. Students will reflect on their experience, learn from it, and apply the lessons in everyday life.

Dunearn Character Development Profile (DCDP): Formative Assessment of Character Development
What is it?
A rubrics tool aligned with MOE 21st Century Competencies (21st CC) framework, school core values and Dunearn Character & Citizenship Education (CCE) programmes.
A total of six Criteria (R3ICH) and 15 Standards/Benchmarks describing the desired values, attitudes, behaviour, social & emotional learning (SEL) skills and 21st CC. R3ICH stands for 6 core values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care (Compassion) & Harmony.
It is designed with references to:
MOE Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) Toolkit
MOE 21st CC Framework, Standards and Benchmarks
MOE SEL Goals, Standards and Benchmarks
Why do we do so?
To help students develop their character progressively from lower to upper secondary and to take ownership for it.
To help teachers work together with students and their parents on character development and hence strengthen the relationships.
End goals:
Culture of Care
Positive Teacher-Student, Teacher-Parent, Parent-Child Relationships
Desired Outcomes of Education
How do we do so?
Values form the essence of one's character. Values and character may be assessed using proxy indicators such as attitude, behaviour, SEL skills and 21st CC i.e., R3ICH = f(Attitude, Behaviour, SEL, 21st CC).
The overall assessment is based on both student's self-assessment and formative assessment by the Form Teachers.
Teacher's assessment is based on observation and understanding of students' attitudes, behaviour and competencies through formal and informal interactions e.g., classroom time, one-to-one session, service learning activities, after school programmes etc. Feedback may also be obtained from other stakeholders.