Food Science and Technology (Applied Learning Programme – ALP)
Food Science and Technology (Applied Learning Programme - ALP)
Dunearn Secondary School’s Applied Learning Programme (ALP) is Food Science and Technology (FSciTech). This school-wide STEM programme complements the school’s core academic and student development programmes. In view of the growing importance of Food Science and Food Safety in this fast changing world and, in particular, the manufacturing sector, the potential for our students to further their interest through courses at ITE, polytechnic and university are vast and sustainable.
Objectives of ALP
• To appreciate the relevance and value of what is learnt in the curriculum and to develop 21st century competencies.
• To provide exposure to STEM-related applied learning and careers and to help ignite students’ interest in pursuing STEM-related post-secondary courses, leading to STEM-related careers.

Tier 1 Programmes
The Lower Secondary classes undergo a series of interesting Food Science and electronics-related modules designed by a Curriculum Specialist from STEM INC, a unit in Singapore Science Centre which supports schools in their STEM-related ALP. Learning journeys are conducted for the Secondary 3 classes so that they can gain greater awareness and exposure to the application of food science and technology to real world situations.
We believe our ALP will develop Dunearnites as confident and creative young scientists, who possess critical thinking skills, creativity and inventive thinking, and communication and ICT skills. Further to this, the experiential nature of FSciTech will develop in our students the dispositions associated with scientific literacy.

Tier 2 Programmes
Tier 2 programmes involve selected groups of students participating in food science activities and competitions.

Dunearn Wins First Runner Up in the Eat Your Farm Competition 2022
Two teams of nine students from Dunearn Secondary School participated in the Interschool Eat Your Farm Competition 2022 where students vie for top honours in this Health and Food Science Challenge organised by Science Centre and Republic Polytechnic on 18 Aug 2022.
During this competition, the teams were equipped with knowledge through online workshops on food nutrition, hydroponics and micro:bit. They were also exposed to food innovation technologies in an eye-opening journey to Republic Polytechnic.
The knowledge they had gained from the online workshops helped them to plan and create a nutritious, sumptuous and attractive dish for teenagers which must feature the hydroponic vegetables that they have grown.
Eighteen teams from several schools participated in this competition. The teams spent a period of two months to develop and finalised their ideas and dish.
We are proud to announce that the DSS Team 1 emerged as First Runner-Up for the competition and did the school proud! Congratulations and well done team!

Our Industry Partner – BioAcumen Global Pte Ltd
Molecular Sciences in Food Gastronomy and Preservation Workshop
BioAcumen Global Pte Ltd, founded by our very own alumnus Mr Jimmy Toh, conducted Molecular Sciences in Food Gastronomy and Preservation workshop for our sec 1 ALP students in 2022 and 2023. Along with learning about the different food preservation methods and how alginate gummies are formed, the student had the opportunity to create their own fruity spaghetti that were decorated with frozen dried fruits prepared by the company. Concluding the workshop with by tasting their self-created unconventional noodles, the students enjoyed and learned a lot from Mr Toh, including possible STEM careers.

Our Industry Partner – Fraser & Neave Ltd
Fraser & Neave Ltd (F&N) Sensory Evaluation Workshop
Students from Dunearn Science Ambassadors Programme (SAP) have been participating in Sensory Evaluation Workshops held annually by Fraser & Neave Ltd (F&N Ltd). With guide from the sensory evaluators, the students learned about the nutritional values of the food products. They even had the opportunity to put their five senses to test and had fun evaluating food products such as strawberry yoghurt drinks! They subsequently designed and created their very own yoghurt drinks and presented their products to their peers. Coupled with learning more about STEM careers in the food industry, this workshop was certainly an enriching food science experience!

Feedback from Our Students
“I enjoy the ALP programme a lot because I have learnt many new things through the programme. The new skills I have learnt benefit my learning for the future. I hope to attend more of these programmes in future”.
~ Annalisa
“I find the ALP programme interesting as during the programme, we learnt about food science, which is surprisingly fun. It is also interesting to conduct experiments with the different ingredients and my favourite experiment is definitely the alginate gummy experiment.”
~ Johnathan
Having gone through the Lower Secondary ALP, I have learnt a lot of new and interesting things such as lighting up a LED bulb using Arduino boards and making your own ice cream. These hands-on activities are not only fun but it also teaches us some knowledge on food science and technology.
~ Kerrie
From the learning journey, I realised the amount of effort put in for the growing of vegetables such as wheatgrass and thus appreciate them more. One thing I like most is that we got to experience growing some vegetables ourselves.
~ Asyiqin
Dunearnites Emerged First Runner-Up in the Nutri-Booster Health and Food Science Competition 2021
Two teams of nine Dunearnites participated in the interschool Nutri-Booster Health and Food Science Competition organised by Science Centre and Republic Polytechnic on 20 Aug 2021.
During this competition, the teams attended seven modules of online course on healthy food and making of dietary supplements using capsule machine. The teams used the knowledge gained from the online modules and Lower Secondary ALP Food Science modules to plan and create a main dish to satisfy the nutritional needs of busy young adults aged 18 – 35 years old. Over a period of two months, the teams developed and finalised their ideas, and also created a dietary supplement to complement the main dish.
We are proud that the DSS Team 2 emerged as First Runner-Up for the competition! Congratulations and well done team!

Reflections from participants:
“We learned time management skills and the benefits of different food ingredients. Thank you to all the teachers for giving us this opportunity and thank you to all team members who gave their full effort throughout this competition! “ -- Kerlin
“Through this competition, I have learnt how to plan meals based on individual preferences and needs. I throughly enjoyed the competition as I was accompanied by students and teachers who are very welcoming and knowledgeable!” -- Cheryl
“The overall experience was interesting and I had a lot of fun learning through the process.” – Chloe
Youth Science Ambassador Programme(YSAP) Graduation Ceremony 2021
On 5 February 2021, students from the Youth Science Ambassador Programme
(YSAP) celebrated their graduation from the programme with Singapore Science
Centre and received their certificates. These students had contributed
50 hours to the programme in the form of community events and Science skills
One of the YSAP students also received the Amazon Future Engineer Bursary
Award which is presented only to the top 10% of the cohort to show recognition
to their outstanding performance during the programme. We congratulate
the students on their achievements!
Dunearnites won 2nd Runner Up in Interschool Food Science Competition
Three teams of fifteen students from Dunearn Science Ambassador Programme (SAP) and Health Ambassador Programme (HAP) participated in the Interschool Food Science Competition held at Republic Polytechnic on 28 Aug 2019.
During this competition, the teams are required to create a healthy nutritious food product and packaging for picky eaters from age 4 to 7. More than 20 teams from several STEM ALP schools took part in this competition. The teams spent a period of two months to develop and finalised their ideas and products.
We are proud to announce that the SAP team 1 emerged as Second Runner Up for the competition. Congratulations and well done team!

SAP Team 1 and their products
Dunearn Emerged Champion for the Shell STEM Young Innovation Challenge 2016

Two teams of ten students from Dunearn Science Ambassador Programme (SAP) participated in the Shell STEM Young Innovation Challenge at Republic Polytechnic on 21st Jul 2016. The teams took part in the Health & Food Analytics Category and the challenge was to create a healthy convenience food product and packaging for the elderly. More than 20 teams from several STEM ALP schools took part in the Challenge.
The teams spent a period of two months to develop their product and we are proud that one of the teams emerged Champion for the category. The team showcased their product and received the award during the Awards Ceremony at the HDB Hub on 24 Aug 2016.

Reflections from students:
The challenge was stimulating as we had to take into account the many health risks and special diets of the elderly to come up with a new and creative convenience food and drink. It gave us a great opportunity to learn more about nutrition and the food industry and made me more aware of the importance of nutrition and health. I also learnt that developing and marketing a food product is a long process and many evaluations have to be carried before the product is eventually released to the market.
~ Jolie
The STEM SHELL challenge taught me a lot about how the food industry works. It gave me an opportunity to dive into business and experience the processes involved in marketing a food product. We were very proud to be able to express our creativity and execute our ideas into a real prototype, and to eventually showcase our final product to the judges. Overall, it was a very enriching experience.
~ Siew Mun
Following the achievement of the Champion award at the Shell STEM Youth Innovation Challenge 2016, the team of five students from the Science Ambassadors Programme presented at the MOE ExCEL Fest 2017, where they shared with the MOE community how the concepts learnt in ALP led to the creation of an innovative product - healthy barley fried rice.
Feedback from Our Students
Participating in the MOE ExCEL Fest 2017 was a true privilege for me as I had never thought that I'll be given such an opportunity. The experience really opened my eyes to the interesting world of food science and technology.
~ Siew Mun
It was a great learning experience to be at MOE ExCEL Fest 2017. We had to share information and knowledge that we've learnt to the visitors and this experience really helped to improve my presentation skills. I also had fun with my fellow teammates who managed the booth with me. It was truly a memorable experience.
~ Jia Hui