In Dunearn Secondary School, we focus on developing students to be responsible
online users and digital learners, anchoring on the 3 principles of cyber
3 Principles of Cyber Wellness
Respect for Self and Others
Students should:
uphold their own dignity when online (e.g. share appropriate content and
participate only in legal online activities)
respect other people online (e.g. put themselves in others’ shoes, accept
diverse views and opinions, give credit when using other people’s work
and seek permission where necessary, avoid sharing hurtful materials).
Safe and Responsible Use
Students should:
have an understanding of the risks of harmful and illegal online behaviour,
and take steps to protect themselves (e.g. keep their personal information
private, verify the reliability of information using various sources, take
steps to avoid dangers they may encounter online).
make wise and healthy choices (e.g. maintain a healthy balance of their
online and offline activities)
Positive Peer Influence
Students should:
be a positive role model online (e.g. share healthy and positive content,
harness the affordances of technology to do good for society)
advocate positive online behaviour (e.g. stand up for their peers online,
report cases of cyber bullying to a trusted adult/authority, post encouraging
remarks on social media)
These principles are inculcated and advocated through our 3-pronged approach: