Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations 2025
1. Pledge-taking and singing of National Anthem
All students are to assemble at the school hall with their respective classes daily by 0725 hr except Mondays (odd week) and Monday, Friday (even week) where they are to be in the classrooms instead. Students who are not with their respective classes by 0730 hr are deemed late. Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart. Foreign students must stand to attention.
2. School Uniform
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.

For female students
Dark blue skirt must be just touching the knees.
Coloured undergarment are not allowed.
For male students
Dark blue shorts for Lower Secondary.
Dark blue long pants for Upper Secondary.
No tapering of long pants is allowed.
For male and female students
Short-sleeved white blouse (pointed collar) with pocket on the left.
The school badge must be sewn on the shirt pocket.
Shirts and blouse must be tucked into the pants / shorts / skirts at all times.
Plain white ankle socks are to be worn.
Only white canvas/ white sport shoes are to be worn.

3. Personal Grooming
Dyeing, tinting or highlighting of hair and tattoos are not allowed. In addition, all students must observe the following:

For female students
Long hair should be plaited or tied back neatly with a black or dark blue ribbon. Only black or dark-blue hair bands should be used where necessary.
Fringes should not touch the eyebrows. Long fringes must be neatly managed.
For male students
All boys must wear a short and neat hairstyle.
Fringes must be above the eyebrows.
Hair must not touch the collar and ears.
Side-burns are not allowed.
Any outlandish styles are not allowed.
The school management reserves the right to reject any new hairstyle it deems inappropriate for school.
4. Other Aspects of Personal Grooming
The following are strictly prohibited:
Jewellery such as chains, necklaces, rings or bracelets (e.g. leather bangles, friendship bands and rainbow looms).
Coloured/big-eye contact lenses, cosmetics, long nails, fake nails, nail polish or henna staining.
Ear-sticks / nose-studs / eye-lid studs / tongue studs. However, girls are permitted to wear a pair of plain ear- studs at the earlobes.
5. Absence from School
All students are required to attend school regularly and take responsibility for their own learning. Students must submit a Medical Certificate or parent’s/ guardian’s letter to their Form Teachers on the day of return to school. Not more than 3 parent’s/guardian’s letters are allowed per Term.
6. Within School - Student Movement
Students are not allowed to leave the classrooms during lessons without teachers’ permission. A ‘Student Movement Pass’ is required and this must be shown upon request by any teachers.
Students are not allowed to leave the school during curriculum time without permission. Permission must be obtained from the Student Management Department.
Students should keep their noise level low when moving along the corridors.
7. Use of Mobile Electronic Devices
Other than learning, assignments and assessment, mobile electronic devices (e.g.phones, tablets, laptops) may only be used within the canteen area after school hours. It must not be seen or heard anywhere outside the canteen area. Before class starts, the devices should be kept in lockers and not visibly seen (i.e. not to be placed on the table, charging, etc.). It should not be accessed during curriculum hours.
For classroom use, these devices are only allowed with permission from the teacher for teaching and learning purposes only.
Playing of games (non-curriculum related/ assigned) are not permitted on any electronic devices ar all times.
Unauthorized use of the devices may result in the referral to the school’s Disciplinary Committee for follow up action and subsequent confiscation of the devices. Parents will be notified and student are to report after school to complete a reflection before the devices are returned.
Security and safety of all mobile electronic devices is the sole responsibility of the student and the school is not accountable for any loss of such items.
8. Prohibition of possession of weapon/ weapon-like items
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon- like item which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
9. Offences
Students who fail to comply adequately with the School Rules and Regulations will subject to disciplinary action. The list of possible offences and consequences, which are non-exhaustive are:
Offences |
Consequences |
The school reserves the right to decide on the appropriate consequences that will lead to the best learning outcome for the student.
School Uniform Guidelines