St John Brigade

CCA Objectives
"Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough Man Do.”
A quote Dunearn SJB members carry
Our goal:
To nurture our cadets into resilient and compassionate leaders while enhancing their leadership and communication skills.
To prepare our cadets to serve Singapore as proficient first-aiders and healthcare professionals.
Siti Arnie Mohd Affandi (Overall I/C)
Soh Cek Sin (2 I/C)
SJB Adult Member
Corp Superintendent
AS Chioh Pei Shi
Corp Liaison Officer
2OFFR Lee Shi Jie
3OFFR Javis Tay
Our core activities
First Aid and Life Support,
Home Nursing,
Foot Drills,
Cadet Proficiency Badge Scheme,
Leadership Courses, and
Community Service Programs.
Training Day, Time and Venue
Friday, 2:30pm to 5:30pm, School Compound
SJB Leaders
Constance Chu (3AM)
Noralysa (3AM)
Katelyn Ye (3EM)
Lim Jia Yi (3OP)
Zhao Yifei (3OP)
Bryan Lim (3OP)
Key Programmes
Main Activities : The main activities of the SJB included Foot Drill, First Aid training programmes, Cadet Proficiency Badge Scheme (CPBS) and Games.
First Aid Services : We rendered first aid services for cross country as well as national competitions for sports CCA.
Highlights and Achievements
Corp Achievement Award (CAA)
2023 (Gold Award)
National 1st Aid Competition
- Ambulance Cadet 4th position -
District 1st Aid Competition
- Nursing Adult: 1st Runner Up
- Ambulance Cadet: 1st Runner Up
Leadership courses and Progression in cadet ranks
Participation as first-aider at national events like
- Chingay, National Day Parade and Istana Open House -
Opportunities for Hospital Attachments and Volunteering Programmes